
Sunday, October 3, 2010


happy doggie fall! halloween outfits...dollar each dollar store special :)
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Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to Be Your Own Best Muse: 101 Ways to Delight and Inspire Yourself

How to Be Your Own Best Muse: 101 Ways to Delight and Inspire Yourself

this article has awesome ideas .....ideas Im going to try  

1. Blow bubbles in your backyard.
8. Call someone interesting and invite them out for coffee.
9. Go fly a kite.
10. Find a park or playground and play outside. How long has it been since you were on a slide? It’s fun, even if you feel a little silly and awkward at first.
12. Dance in the rain.

14. Try to go a whole day without talking. Instead, write down what you want to say. Keep a notebook at hand for any unexpected inspirations.

24. Give yourself a deadline to produce a certain word count or finish a project, and stick to it
25. Take fabulous care of yourself —

29. Try writing under a tree, on a park bench, in your favorite coffee-shop. Often, a change of scene can imbue your work with juicy creative energy.

33. Play with a slinky, Rubik’s Cube, or other toys to limber up your creative muscles and re-connect with your inner ten-year-old.
36. Shake up your daily routine. do something new. Take a risk. Find something you feel excited about and do it, even if it’s not directly related to writing. Everything is material — every experience, every mistake, will feed your work.

37. Write 4 inspiring quotes from your favorite writers in your journal, one at the top of each page. Use them as writing prompts

47. Write down your dreams for a month without re-reading them. After a month has passed, peruse your nocturnal scribblings and see if there’s anything here you can build on. Can you expand an image you dreamt into a poem, story, or song?

50. Have an un-birthday party for yourself, and give yourself the gift of inspiration — a new journal, some art supplies- anything to feed your creative soul.

High-Stake Gazing Balls | Garden Crafts | FamilyFun

High-Stake Gazing Balls | Garden Crafts | FamilyFun

so fun want to do!

Picnic Table Plans including Free Octagon Picnic Table Plans

Picnic Table Plans including Free Octagon Picnic Table Plans

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

a few moms day ideas ,,,,,

my jewelry box was bought at our local  JoAnn fabrics on sale,the flowers/words decals from the dollars store and old news paper clippings ....the heart jar I just put a few flowers in so pretty yet recycled

recycled tins

with recycled cans and leftover paint see what you can create ?  storage containers

Friday, April 23, 2010

this weeks 20 min project

this weeks project was to add color and organization
the board was freecycled

went quickly added time to take these pics

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